News and luck

Just to let you all know that I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth and I’m still alive! I’ve been so busy lately, I haven’t had time to sit down and blog properly. I’ll have my editorial calender sorted out and back to normal next week, promise! Now onto the purpose of this post: updates!

I’ve achieved things on my goals / aspirations list for this year! (See post from January here).

I’ve made business cards, I’ve had an exhibition of my work, hung my own photographs (this didn’t turn out the way I had hoped, but that can’t really be helped; everything’s a learning experience, right?) and most importantly, I’ve been accepted to my dream course: BA Fine Art Print and Time-based Media at Wimbledon College of Art in London! (Course link here). I’m so unbelievably happy about this, it’s part of the reason I haven’t been blogging much, I’ve been so busy trying to sort everything out for moving and that; plus, I only have five weeks left in college so I’m busy with end of year stuff too.

On the subject of college work, my current project is a documentary-style book on myself and my best friend, it’ll have self-portraits, portraits of my best friend and archival images. It’ll hopefully be available to buy through Blurb when it’s finished so I’ll keep you updated on that! I’m also working on a book (also made with Blurb) of fashion images so hopefully that will be available to buy too.

Finally, more good news that came through today, I won a Caroline Issa for LK Bennett iPhone case from Canned Fashion! I never win anything… I think my luck is starting to turn!


Goals / resolutions / aspirations

I thought I’d share with you all my goals, aspirations and resolutions for the new year. I’m planning on completing my 21 Before 22 list and then I have other goals for the year too.

21 Before 22 list:

1. Create an inspiration board / mood board.
Already kind of started, I’m collecting inspiring things from magazines and things & keeping them in a file. I need to buy a corkboard or a whiteboard to pin them onto).
2. Create an inspiring studio space.
Ideally this would be a film production studio too, but one can dream. This probably isn’t as feasible as thought it would be. I’ll probably have a studio space in college when I start my BA in October though.
3. Discover new artists / bands
4. Project 365.
This isn’t going to be completed. I tried last year and didn’t finish. Maybe a 52 weeks project seems more feasible for this year.
5. Shoot videos / photos for money
6. Make business cards / blog cards
This has been on my “Future” to-do list for so long… Definitely doing it this year though. I’ve gotten a couple of people asking about the blog & having to give them the entire URL is a bit crazy, I’d much rather have a card I could just hand them.
7. Start video blogging.
Not so sure about this one, I hate the sound of my own voice… I was going to start this with one the girls from college & I didn’t get around to it.
8. Design my dream wardrobe
Already started this. I used Cupcakes & Cashmere’s “staple wardrobe” list. I just need to purge everything else from it..
9. Have a mother / daughter day.
Will probably happen some weekend, so that’s pretty easy
10. Have a solo exhibition / group exhibition
A group one will happen in February, all going to plan, so eeek
11. Hang my own photos
Will also probably happen in February
12. Start graphic design properly
13. Learn CS5 Design Standard.
14. Cover my bedroom walls in photos
15. Shoot all my camera film
16. Make business goals
I need to properly sit down and make business goals for Chai Media and Aisling Keavey Artist
17. Buy a new camera
18. Start practicing guitar again
19. Make enough money to live comfortably
20. Update CV regularly / keep current
21. Start putting myself forward for projects

Goals for 2013

1. Try painting
2. Study BA in Print & Time-based Media in Wimbledon College of Art in London
3. Set up an Etsy or Society Six shop to sell prints
4. Work on a film project
5. Read the Bible weekly
6. Double my blog followers
7. Learn French
8. Stop biting my nails
9. Find a staple bag / coat
10. Make more art / be more creative

What are some of your goals for the new year? Are any the same as mine?

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Sarah’s 21st aka my first professional shoot!

This past Saturday, I photographed my friend Sarah’s 21st birthday in the Grand Central bar. It was great experience for me as I’ve never done anything like this before. It was a really good night, I got to see friends from the media course I did last year that I haven’t seen since and I got to get some experience in club photography. Here are the photos:



Thursday post series #6: updates

So this week has been hella busy, I’m interning two days a week at The Picture Rooms, learning about marketing, social media and studio photography. I was given media marketing notes from one of the girls who works there (her BA Journalism notes but they’re good for our business!). I need to read them and see if they’re going to be any good, hopefully they can help.
Tomorrow, we’re starting principal photography on our documentary with Aisling Conlan. We were supposed to shoot today but that fell through, we’re shooting tomorrow and Sunday instead. This campaign is going to be so good, I’m really excited to start filming and working on it. Aisling lives in one of the most beautiful coastlines in the country (her house is literally on the edge of cliff!) and that view to the fact that she is genuinely the most humble person I know and you’ve got yourself a good documentary interview!

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Thursday post series #5:updates

I’ve just come back from consulting with Irish canoe slalom athlete, Aisling Conlan. We are now in pre-production for a documentary video we’re shooting with her next week. I’ve known Aisling since I was 14 so getting her to talk and give us what we want won’t be hard! We’re going to forgo the traditional route of most videos about kayakers and let her tell her story: she has a really interesting background and we want to showcase that. While she was growing up, things were hard, but she’s come through that to become who she is now. She’\s come through adversity and is now one of the top elite canoe slalomers in the world. And she’s totally humble about it to boot! We’re going to shoot some footage of her kayaking and then film an interview with her in her house so we can have some variety in the shots. We’re also going to shoot some photographs of her and a video portrait. So we can showcase her and showcase what we can do, that we’re not one-dimensional.
This should be great, we’re getting so many ideas for it already. The finished video itself will be on our Vimeo page within the next few weeks so I’ll let you know when it goes up!

Have you ever seen any documentaries on sports-people? What did you think?

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Thursday post series #4: personal updates

So this week in a nutshell: we got confirmation of our company registration paperwork having gotten to the right people so that’s epic. We finished editing an advertisement. We did a location recce for our next shoot. I broke two frames in work and had to re-hang nine photos… I met up with friends last night for dinner and got to see my boyfriend after a week



Friday post series: #4: bucket list

So this week it’s “Bake 10 types of cupcakes“. I’ve never even baked ONE type so this will be hard! The last time I tried to bake cupcakes, they turned out horribly wrong.

So here’s the list:

1. Vanilla

2. Chocolate

3. Peanut butter (yes, that’s a thing ;))

4. Strawberry

5. Red Velvet

6. Pumpkin (really want to try this!)

7. Banana

8. Mocha / coffee

9. Tiramisu

10. Lemon

Thursday post series #3: personal updates

Well, as you may have guessed, I’m in the middle of setting up a production company with my friend Chesney (Chai Media, the link to our Facebook page is in the sidebar, please oblige us and like us!). We’re in the middle of shooting an ad at the moment so when it’s edited, we’re going to join Vimeo and that’s where all our videos will go. (I’ll probably link that in the sidebar too, later).

I have so many conceptual photo shoot ideas in my head… I need a willing model… and time, lots of time…

I’m thinking of changing the name of this blog too… to something that better expresses what I’m working in now… I need to have a thinking session!